Pakistan's Terror Central

Channel 4

Unreported World

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When is a charity not a charity? Lashkar-e-Taiba, the so-called army of the righteous was responsible for the November 2008 attack on Mumbai and has been banned by the Pakistani Government as a terrorist organisation.

Yet the charitable organisation Jamaat ul-Dawa, which the UN and US both\ say is a front for Lashkar-e-Taiba, continues to flourish. It denies \any link with terrorism, and gives reporter Evan Williams and director \Will West a rare tour of its Headquarters complex. The minister of law \in Punjab agrees that Jamaat ul-Dawa is not just a charity, but says \popular support and its sympathisers in the military make it \untouchable.\\

'Throughout the film is a growing visceral sense that \something far more sinister is going on and that Williams is in danger, a\ stark reminder of another possible threat emerging from this corner of \the world'
- Guardian 


- Sunday Telegraph

First Broadcast

April 9, 2010



Producer Director

Will West


Evan Williams

Executive Producer

Eamonn Matthews


If you are a broadcaster who would like to buy this programme please contact Quicksilver Media for distribution details: Tel:+44 (0) 1865 596 252 

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