Lebanon: Living with Hezbollah

Channel 4

Unreported World

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After the devastating Israeli bombardment, Lebanon is faced with the immense task of rebuilding its infrastructure -an undertaking complicated by the political and sectarian tensions generated by Hezbollah's self-declared victory over Israel.

Reporter Kate Seelye and director Rodrigo Vasquez film Hezbollah's state-within-a-state in the southern suburbs of Beirut. In the south, the Lebanese Government is trying -and failing -to assert its authority. Iran and Syria are using Hezbollah to stir up sectarian and anti-government tensions in Lebanon, and Christian nationalists are determined to resist. It is not just Lebanon's infrastructure that has been destroyed; now the country's democratic future is at risk…

“A fascinating insight!”
- The Guardian

First Broadcast

November 17, 2006



Producer Director

Rodrigo Vazquez


Kate Seelye

Executive Producer

Eamonn Matthews


If you are a broadcaster who would like to buy this programme please contact Quicksilver Media for distribution details: Tel:+44 (0) 1865 596 252 

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