How The Banks Won

Channel 4


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In this headline-making documentary, Will Hutton investigates the banks and what they've done with our money.

He discovers that while ordinary taxpayers take the pain, for the banks it's largely business as usual.

Hutton analyses the banks' accounts and shows how they are using government-guaranteed funds to gamble with derivatives as they did before the crash. He also reveals how the banks are still paying vast salaries and bonuses, and City head hunters tell Dispatches how the banks hide the sums they're really paying out. 

With the help of former and current members of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee, Hutton shows how the banks'booming margins come from the free and near-free money the government and taxpayers gave them to save the banking system.With specially commissioned research from Manchester University’s CRESC group he shows the Banks’ claims for the amount they contribute to the UK economy are overstated. 

He also investigates the banks' intense lobbying to resist government plans for reform and highlights recent research from the OECD on how Britain is internationally unusual in the extent to which bankers have key roles in the civil service and government. 

Featuring high-powered contributors such as President Obama's banking adviser Paul Volcker, former Chancellor Alastair Darling, former City minister Lord Myners and current Business Secretary Vince Cable, Hutton shows why without urgent reform we risk the prospect of another crash - this time there won't be any money left for a bail-out - plus the certainty of British business being starved of vital funding

"Chancellor to face pincer movement over banks break-up" 

- Financial Times 

"Cable in new bid to split banks" 
- Sunday Telegraph 

"Banks get back to normal while the rest of us pay" 
- The Observer 

"Banks’ dicey £1trillion bets" 
- News of the World 

First Broadcast

June 14, 2009




Will Hutton

Executive Producer

Eamonn Matthews


If you are a broadcaster who would like to buy this programme please contact Quicksilver Media for distribution details: Tel:+44 (0) 1865 596 252 

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