Nigeria: Child Brides, Stolen Lives

Channel 4

Unreported World

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This episode of Unreported World reveals the devastating effects of child marriage and pregnancy in Nigeria where nearly half of all girls in the country's Northern states are married by the age of fifteen and often to much older men.

Local women tell Navai that it’s traditional for girls to get married from the age of 12 and start having babies. But the team discovers evidence of the devastating consequences suffered by mothers whose bodies are physically incapable of going through childbirth at such a young age, with many suffering horrible injuries and being left physically and emotionally scarred for life.

"A powerful documentary"
- The Observer

"A deeply unsettling piece of journalism."
- Daily Telegraph

First Broadcast

November 28, 2008



Producer Director

Julie Noon


Ramita Navai

Executive Producer

Eamonn Matthews


If you are a broadcaster who would like to buy this programme please contact Quicksilver Media for distribution details: Tel:+44 (0) 1865 596 252 

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