Inside Burma's Secret State

Channel 4

Unreported World

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Reporter Seyi Rhodes and director Simon Phillips spend two weeks inside Burma with the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), a guerrilla force that has been fighting for an independent state for the Karen people for the past 60 years.

In response, the Burmese military has been operating a policy of ethnic \cleansing - burning down Karen villages and laying landmines. The KNLA \are outnumbered and poorly equipped, and the most they can hope to do is\ to disrupt Burmese military operations and force the junta into some \sort of dialogue, which is unlikely to happen. Now the Thai government, \anxious to benefit from Burma's rich natural resources, has begun \cooperating with the military junta to stop the movement of soldiers and\ weapons across the border, worsening the plight of the Karen people\\

'A shocking film… horrific evidence of massacres and \displacement by the Burmese soldiers, with villages burnt to the ground,\ villagers murdered and tortured, and thousands of people driven from \their homes and living in temporary shelters in the jungle'
- Sunday Telegraph\\

'powerful and distressing insight into the genocidal war being waged by the Burmese military against the Karen people.'
- Independent\\

'...moving and depressing...'
- Guardian

First Broadcast

May 21, 2010



Producer Director

Simon Phillips


Seyi Rhodes

Executive Producer

Eamonn Matthews


If you are a broadcaster who would like to buy this programme please contact Quicksilver Media for distribution details: Tel:+44 (0) 1865 596 252 

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