Honduras: Diving into Danger

Channel 4

Unreported World

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Reporter Jenny Kleeman and director Daniel Bogado travel to the Mosquito Coast in Honduras, where indigenous people are risking their lives diving for lobsters...

...destined for North American and European diners. Overfishing means they \must now dive as deep as 150ft to land their catch. Each time they dive,\ they risk paralysis or death from the bends.

\'Even after umpty-five series, Unreported World continues to serve as a)\ a good thing in its own right, and b) a standing rebuke to Channel 4 \for its lamentable lack of current affairs programming elsewhere in its \schedule…. Exemplary reportage, as ever'
\ - The Guardian

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First Broadcast

December 2, 2011



Producer Director

Daniel Bogado


Jenny Kleeman

Executive Producer

Eamonn Matthews


If you are a broadcaster who would like to buy this programme please contact Quicksilver Media for distribution details: Tel:+44 (0) 1865 596 252 

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