Directed by Zara Hayes and Produced by Sarah Hamilton, Clothes to Die For describes the events surrounding the collapse of the Rana plaza building in Bangladesh in 2013, which killed 1,134 garment workers.
At its heart are the stories of the workers in the building, often young women making clothes for leading western brands. They recount theirshockingstories of being buried in the rubble, but also explain how their jobs, despite pitiful pay and long hours, gave them much-wanted independence.\
One of those rare films that might genuinely help make a difference to thousands of lives' - The Times
Heartbreaking and sobering' - The Guardian
Few (films on the garment industry) have been as powerful as tonight's documentary - The Daily Telegraph
First Broadcast
July 21, 2014
Sarah Hamilton
Zara Hayes
Jane Greenwood
Executive Producer
Eamonn Matthews
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